This film cover a wide range of views from occupied Palestine and asks
“What Change Must Come?” Producer Miranda Pinch, daughter of a Jewish holocaust survivor, will join us for the screening and answer questions. Please join us on: Saturday, 30th November at 2pm Shere Village Hall, Guildford Lane, Shere GU5 9HE Tickets cost £7.50 to include Palestinian Nibbles and Refreshments Also samples of Palestinian food to taste and buy. All profits and donations will go to the Hebron International Resource Network (HIRN), a grassroots organisation that helps Palestinians receive basic human rights such as healthcare, education, water and electricity. There will be a short introduction to its work before the film starts at 3pm. Tickets can be booked online at or purchased from Caroline Evans (01483 202938), or on the door. Supported by West Surrey PSC – Peace, Justice and Dignity for Palestinans
Monday August 12th, 7.30pm
Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh will talk on "Water, Fossil Fuels, Habitat and Sustainability in Palestine". Prof. Qumsiyeh will explore how the crucial diversity found in the landscape of Palestine is being damaged as a result of the current situation. Restoring both social and natural ecosystems to balance requires challenging the Israeli occupation and dominance of the West Bank. As a Palestinian Christian, a biologist and a human rights activist, Prof. Qumsiyeh is uniquely positioned to explore these inter-linked questions. Prof. Qumsiyeh teaches and conducts research at Bethlehem University in Palestine. He is founder and director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History,and the Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability. St Nicolas Church, Bury Street, Guildford GU2 4AW Monday August 12th, 7.30pm We are sorry to inform you that Friday's planned talk on "The Palestine-Israel Question and its Effects on UK Free Speech" is cancelled due to bereavement in the speaker's family.
We hope to re-arrange the event at a later date. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. |
February 2025