Saturday morning from 10:30-12:30 – 7th March at Fleet Methodist Church “If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.” These words were spoken by Moshe Dyan. He was one of Israel’s greatest soldiers and politicians. President Trump chose not to take this advice. When he unveiled his ‘Deal of the Century’ in January, he did so with Israel’s Prime Minister at his side. Palestinian representatives were not invited, nor were they present during the negotiations. So, what do the Palestinians think of President Trump’s deal? Nawal Slemiah will be at Fleet Methodist Church from 10:30-12:30 on Saturday 7th March. She’s visiting from Hebron where she’s a member of the co-operative “Women in Hebron”, a group of women making beautiful hand-embroidered, traditional and contemporary products to sell locally and abroad.
Nawal will bring a selection of items with her to sell, and is happy to speak about the co-operative’s history and its peaceful resistance to Israel’s oppressive occupation in Hebron. She can also tell us about life in Hebron in general, and local reaction to the President Trump’s so-called ‘Deal of the Century’. Do come along for a cup of coffee, bring your friends, speak with and listen to Nawal, browse and buy (perhaps a gift for Mother’s Day), and support this group of hard working women who have spent all their lives living under an increasingly harsh and violent occupation, and for whom existence is resistance. Elizabeth Brightwell |
March 2025